Find your first friend project

Request your first friend! Either a veteran expat or a local who can give you tips and help you get familiar with Palermo

Connecting people!

Are you coming to Palermo and you would like to have somebody you can ask some questions?

We will put you in touch with a local or an experienced Expat who can be your mentor, absolutely for free.

Just to be clear, a mentor is somebody that will give you tips and share information with you, they are not compelled to give you free tours or host you. Anything extra is at their discretion!

We are a group of locals who are passionate about intercultural exchanges and practising foreign languages.

Having someone “culturally sensitive” who can help and listen is important while being abroad in a new environment.

We are a community!

Connect with your first friend!

Picture of Angelo


Angelo is driven by an intense sense and need for international environments. Founder of Palermo Lighthouse, he is giving his contribution to creating a community where Expats and Locals can interact, strive, and grow together.




14/07/23 "Il festino" @KALHESA

We're going to enjoy the "Festino" Fireworks together at the best location alongside Foro Italico.

Trip to Favignana 22 July 2023

A day trip to the amazing island of Favignana. Appointment at 7 am at the Central Station of Palermo. We will go to Trapani by private bus and then we will take the Ferry to the islands. Then we'll rent bikes and explore all the amazing beaches this Sicilian Jewel has to offer.

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