Exploring Palermo’s Finest Gelaterias: A Journey into Sicilian Gelato

When it comes to gelato, few places can rival the rich and authentic flavors found in Palermo, my hometown. When I am away, the palermitan gelato is maybe the thing I miss the most! That’s why I am always craving it on daily basis.

From our vibrant Facebook Group and Whatsapp Group community, we have gathered the most popular choices, ensuring you only experience the best of the best. Join us as we take you on a delectable adventure through Palermo’s city center and outskirts, where you’ll find gelaterias that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. Let’s get into the world of Sicilian gelato!

Il Signor Carbognano

This Gelateria has its peculiar flavour “Carbognano”, it’s a nutella of hazelnuts and other nuts with an hazelnut base. Something amazing!


I would recommened this “grey” flavour with “Etna” on it. Keep in mind that you can always ask them to let you taste one or two flavours before you pick your choice!

Il Terzo Cerchio


Gelateria La Kala


Gelateria Yoghi

La Vela

Gelateria da Ciccio

Gelateria da Carlo


Specialised in Granita Messinese

Gelateria al Cassaro

L'Artista del Gelato

Gelateria Matranga

Gelateria Latte PA


We’ve taken you on a delightful tour of the best gelaterias in Palermo, where you can savor the authentic flavors of Sicilian gelato. Thanks to our Facebook Group and Whatsapp Group community, we’ve gathered the top recommendations to ensure you experience the very best.

But our journey doesn’t end here! We warmly invite you to join our community, where gelato enthusiasts from around the world come together to share information and recommendations. Whether you’re planning a visit to Palermo or simply want to connect with fellow gelato lovers, our community is a welcoming place to exchange ideas and discover new flavors.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore the wonderful world of gelato with us. Join our community and let’s continue this sweet adventure together.

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Picture of Angelo


Angelo is driven by an intense sense and need for international environments. Founder of Palermo Lighthouse, he is giving his contribution to creating a community where Expats and Locals can interact, strive, and grow together.




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