Where to read and chill in Palermo

The best and most voted places by Expats & Digital Nomads living in Palermo and locals

Palermo could be a quite chaotic place, but it also offers some very good green open spaces where you can chill and enjoy the nice weather almost anytime of the year.

In our Facebook Community we conducted a survey to gather information on these fantastic locations. Let’s see them together:

Foro Italico

Foro Italico is most people’s favourite! By the sea and well-located, not far from the Central Station and almost next to the Port, it’s an open space where you can do literally anything: take long walks, jogging, yoga, read etch…there’s also a volleyball net and some trees where people usually do slackline!

That’s our favourite place to organise some outdoor gatherings and pic-nics!

Right next to it there’s a smaller outdoor park called: Parco della salute. Where you can also use some outdoor gym equipments or play basketeball (but this smaller park has opening hours that change according to the season).

No surprise this park came up to the first place in our survey!

Villa Trabia

Villa Trabia is another popular park in Palermo. 

Even if it’s less closer to the centre, it offers a nice green scenery where is possible to relax and enjoy some outdoor activities. 

It also has a Bar (Association) Called P.Y.C. (Palermo Youth Center) where day and night activities and events are organised (concerts, live shows and events for children).

Find more information here.

Villa Giulia

Palermo definitely has some nice green open spaces, but Villa Giulia also has some  exquisit architecture to boast. 

Even though it is literally next to Foro Italico and Orto Botanico (Bothanical Garden), another place worth going. 

Villa Giulia is also another open space where to spend some nice time reading, chilling, or just to get a coffee at the coffee house in the heart of the Park.

Parco della Zisa

Zisa is usually known for its Castle (or Palace), place of legends and myths that we will discover later on.

Its park is designed faithfully to the original Arab-Normand design, with its extensive gardens of citrus fruits and pools and open channels. 

It’s a place worth going and visiting besides of its park. 

The only downside is, it isn’t exactly close to the city centre. 

Villa Tasca

Last but not least! Villa Tasca is arguably the most beautiful garden in Palermo. The only downside is: it’s private (the daily entrance is about 3€, the yearly subscription is 12€), and it’s far from the center.

It’s actually located on the way to Monreale (Corso Calatafimi) but it is definitely marvellous!

This park has two sections, the garden and the villa. The villa is owned by an Earl (whose lastname is, obviously, Tasca).

Usually the garden is the area accessible to the public, but according to the period and in occasion of special events, also the Villa is accessible.

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Picture of Angelo


Angelo is driven by an intense sense and need for international environments. Founder of Palermo Lighthouse, he is giving his contribution to creating a community where Expats and Locals can interact, strive, and grow together.




14/07/23 "Il festino" @KALHESA

We're going to enjoy the "Festino" Fireworks together at the best location alongside Foro Italico.

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A day trip to the amazing island of Favignana. Appointment at 7 am at the Central Station of Palermo. We will go to Trapani by private bus and then we will take the Ferry to the islands. Then we'll rent bikes and explore all the amazing beaches this Sicilian Jewel has to offer.

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