What is Palermo Lighthouse about

Discover what is Palermo Lighthouse about, its mission and main topics: connection, cultural shock, understanding stereotypes and real stories

From Expats for Expats

The main purpose of our community is to promote Palermo through “collective knowledge” thanks to our preexistent and active community “Expats and Digital Nomads in Palermo” on Facebook and WhatsApp.

In the past few years, we had thousands of Expats visiting and living in Palermo, today our community counts hundred of active Cosmopolitans who engage with us online and in person at our weekly events.

Real Stories

We want to give Palermo the opportunity to be described realistically through the eyes of the Expats visiting and living (in) it.

To do so we will sometimes introduce and interview some of them.

Contact us if you want to be featured 😉

We want to guide, inspire, motivate, and inform whoever is curious about Palermo and the expat/digital nomad life in it.


And of course, we are a community!

We want to bring people together, not just to party and have fun (why not?!) but also to have meaningful conversations and also possibly discuss business opportunities.

We have a lot to learn from each other, we just need to find common grounds in order to connect, and also learn and discover new things through our diversity.

Understanding Stereotypes

Sicily is a land of contradictions.

Many visitors often don’t come here prepared or don’t decide to come here at all because of a lack of accurate information, or just misunderstandings.

Through our community, expats and locals can understand and discuss together the importance of debunking stereotypes and misconceptions.

As a local, nothing is more annoying than being reminded of Sicily’s “bad name” about the mafia.

As an expat, nothing is more surprising than understanding how underrated Sicily is.

Culture Shock

You probably have heard of it, maybe even experienced it.

When they arrive some expats are not aware of the cultural differences between Palermo (Sicily) and other western places.

Many of them considered packing up their stuff and going back to wherever they came from in the first weeks.

Months later, the very same people have decided to extend their stays or even move in permanently.

How is it even possible?

Sicilian culture could be very shocking at first. The sooner you stop fighting the difference, the sooner you start to enjoy your experience!

We will talk about this and much more soon!

Picture of Angelo


Angelo is driven by an intense sense and need for international environments. Founder of Palermo Lighthouse, he is giving his contribution to creating a community where Expats and Locals can interact, strive, and grow together.




14/07/23 "Il festino" @KALHESA

We're going to enjoy the "Festino" Fireworks together at the best location alongside Foro Italico.

Trip to Favignana 22 July 2023

A day trip to the amazing island of Favignana. Appointment at 7 am at the Central Station of Palermo. We will go to Trapani by private bus and then we will take the Ferry to the islands. Then we'll rent bikes and explore all the amazing beaches this Sicilian Jewel has to offer.

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